Monday, March 21, 2011

The Chinese term - 山寨 (Shān Zhài)


山 (Shān) = Mountain

寨 (Zhài) = A mountain stronghold or a fenced hamlet

山寨 (Shān Zhài) is originally a term referring to fortified mountain villages.

In the old days, these villages were mostly built by bandits with coarse materials.

But nowadays, people use the term 山寨 (Shān Zhài) to describe pirated products.

The most commonly seen example would be pirated cell phones.

The Chinese refer to these phones as 山寨机 (Shān Zhài Jī), as the word 机 (Jī) means "machinery" and is used here to refer to cell phones, which is 手机 (Shǒu Jī) in Mandarin Chinese.

Another common variation derived from this term is 山寨版 (Shān Zhài Bǎn). The word 版 (Bǎn) means "version", so the term 山寨版 (Shān Zhài Bǎn) means pirated version.

Example of Modern Chinese usage:

他买了山寨版的 iPhone (Tā mǎi le shān zhài bǎn de iPhone) = He bought a pirated version of iPhone.

她送我一台 Blackberry 的山寨机 (Tā  sòng wǒ yì tái Blackberry de shān zhài jī) = She gave me a pirated Blackberry cell phone.

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